Virtual Presentation Starter Kit

Your speeches, talks or presentations can be the best ever, but that only gets you so far. Here's everything you need to get started making a great visual impression to match the greatness you're sharing with your audience.

Want to get started on producing content for your next video or presentation? Schedule time with J.T.



Lighting is essential. Unless you’re producing a podcast, people have to see you before they will hear you. There are a few key elements that you have to consider when choosing a ring light:

  • Color temperature: Which best matches your skin tone?

  • Flexibility/portability: Will you use it primarily in one place, like a home office or a studio? Or will you be “on location”, taking your viewers on a journey with every click?

  • Camera: Fortunately, whether you’re using your smartphone, tablet or professional camera, there’s a ring light out there for you.

What J.T. Uses: 10” UBeesize Selfie Halo LED Ring Light with Stand and Phone Holder



Never be afraid to get some help. That’s my philosophy on using a teleprompter. Unless you’re in a situation where they’re not available, there’s no reason not to use one. They help you stay on message and to the point.

Working with a teleprompter is tricky at first. You’ll have to develop your own rhythm, so ideally, you’ll want to choose one that syncs with your voice. When you start, stop or pause, it keeps pace with you.

What J.T. Uses: PromptSmart Pro App for iPhone & iPad


LAvalier lapel MIC

This is probably the single most effective tool in my own toolbox. When you watch a video where the speaker sounds miles away or there’s background noise or echoes, it disconnects the viewer from your content.

You should consider the length of your cord, how the mic will connect to your camera and how easily the mic can be hidden. Like makeup, the lapel mic is at its best when people can’t tell or forget that you’re using it.

What J.T. Uses: YouMic Mini Lav Mic with Clip for iPhone 8

Creating a Better Dialogue.jpg


Adding elements like title cards, thumbnails, graphics and music are essential to establishing a connection with your audience.

YouTube itself offers a variety of tools to engage your audience, but there’s nothing that will allow you to incorporate customized elements like video editing software.

What J.T. Uses: Splice - Video Editor & Maker for iPhone



“A picture is worth a thousand words”

If you’re shooting videos for YouTube or other platforms, stunning visuals can greatly enhance your message. From branded templates, to graphics in motion, to custom video screencaps, they all can add another dimension to your brand and your voice.

What J.T. Uses: Adobe Spark